Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Feb 2 2016, Discharge from Hospital
Well I am discharged after two weeks of hospitalization. The two-week stay was unexpected due to complications. I have an iatrogenic pneumothorax. My lung collapsed. To my disappointment, my lung did not expand back to its original position. However during these two weeks I had so richly experienced God’s blessing that I now embrace the sovereign will of God with gratefulness. My experience with God is beyond words. However I would share those blessings I can easily count with you.
First, I was hospitalized just before the cold weather seized Hong Kong. Otherwise I might have been risk of breathing problems and complications such as pneumonia as well.
Second, I witnessed two ladies passed away. Their beds were opposite mine and I looked into their eyes as they slowly pass away with decreasing heart beat and blood pressure. The Lord prepares me to embrace death by witnessing the physiological aspects of it. The Holy Spirit gently teaches me the hope I have in His salvation, which is markedly different from those who grieved in death and dying without such hope.
Third, the Lord used me in my weaknesses. In my physical and emotional weakness, the Lord taught me to merely set aside my SELF and let Him do His work. As I submit to the Lord, He uses me to bless a person in some unexpected way. Never underestimate God and what He can do through you when you are willing!
Fourth, the discharge was delayed. Initially I was very disappointed. When I submitted to His sovereign good will, I noted that the Lord has prepared a sister (in the Lord), a wound specialist, to manage my wound after discharge. He also used this delay to give me yet another opportunity to bless and be blessed by other patients. His way is higher!
Prayer request:
1. Pray for my lungs to still recover. May God protect me from infection!
2. Pray for the effectiveness of another chemo medication that it will control the cancer growth.
3. Pray for time with family.
我終於出院了! 原本是住一兩天抽肺積水, 但因爲氣胸肺而延誤了兩週, 最後肺還是不能恢復原狀。但是這兩週我是充充實實的經歷主的恩典,難以筆墨形用,就盡量和大家分享。
1. 我在寒流到港前入院, 不然我可能因天冷而呼吸道受感染,甚至肺炎等, 那時, 要到急症室就不容易了!2. 這次入院我見證了兩位女士的離世,她們在我對面床的, 我親眼目睹她們心跳減慢,血壓降低,和翻眼,我心中感到既難過,但又得聖靈的安慰,讓我知道得救的人有永生的盼望,不怕肉身的死亡, 但也深深體會未信之人的哀傷, 他們的呼喊哭泣何等絕望!3. 在我身心最軟弱時神還能用我祝福他人,過往,縂以為是自己的知識經驗才能被神用,沒想到在順服神時, 一件最微小的服侍神也能使用,一個最簡單的禱告也可以大有靈力!4. 我的出院時間給耽誤了, 剛開始有點失望。 當我順服祂的主權旨意時,我經歷祂的計劃更好, 祂的意念更高,因爲多留一天, 神為我安排最好的傷口治理, 並讓我有多一個機會被其他病人蒙福並祝福他們。
代禱: 1. 肺能繼續復原,求神保守不受感染 2. 新一期的化療葯有效控制癌細包,3. 和家人有美好的時光,彼此祝福並榮耀神!
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