Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24th Lessons Learned on Discernment re: Work

I have asked for your prayers for discernment re: work life a few days ago (July 20th Prayer Request for Discernment). Victor and I had a good time sharing last night. Let me share with you some lessons I learned.

First I noted that my concern is mostly self-focused – “what should I be doing?” It is about my needs, my passion and my aspirations. As I prayed, I asked the Lord where He wanted to place me. Once again I am affirmed that God did place me in Macao when we first returned to Hong Kong. His strategy is the best and He places us where He wants to use us to accomplish His plan.

Second I learned that when I set my “priorities” and evaluate what is important, I should be careful not to “judge” God’s assignments. You cannot really assign a value to teaching children’s Sunday school versus a graduate course, or encouraging a person versus professional counseling. When it is God’s assignment it is significant. I also should not judge the work/task by how successful it appears to be (although it usually pleases us when it is going well). The Lord requires us to be faithful despite of desired outcome.

Third I should trust that the Holy Spirit’s step-by-step guidance is sufficient (even though I would like to see the broad picture now). This song comes to my mind:

“We must wait, wait, wait on the Lord
We must wait, wait, wait on the Lord . . .
And learn our lessons well,
In His timing He will tell us
What to do, where to go, what to say”
(A Maranatha Song in 1970s)

If the Lord has a new assignment, He would lead me in His time. It is in surrendering we can find His blessings in our activities.

So I am preparing to go back to where I left off and trust that the Lord will continue to lead me. I start revising my course syllabus and look forward to the coming semester. I would have a lighter load this semester and hopefully catch up next semester.

Today Victor was busy with two ministry opportunities. I actually feel pretty good being apart from him and enjoy my aloneness without feeling lonely. So perhaps I am not his “very dependent wife” after all! He had lunch with church folks to share Christ with an elderly man who has cancer. This gentleman is also going through chemotherapy and he is working everyday! So I feel guilty for moaning and groaning! God certainly has His special way to send me a reminder!

Do pray for readiness for my next shot – will have medical check on Monday and hopefully have my 5th shot this coming Tuesday.


  1. May God be with you where you go or stay.
    Will pray for your readiness.

  2. It's tempting to be self-focused and forgot listening to God ... especially when what I want to do appear to be "good" things.

    "His strategy is the best and He places us where He wants to use us to accomplish His plan."

    I really need to learn listening to Him and trusting Him.

    Thanks for your sharing. It is a good reminder for me.
