Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1 A Precious Soul

Great news!

I shared about my friend’s father on the April 25th blog entry. He had been bringing me food after my surgery and was then found to have a serious heart condition. He could have a heart attack during these food delivery errands! Fortunately our sovereign Lord's plan is most brilliant! He protected him and prepared something wonderful for him. He now has a pace maker installed. I visited after his discharge from hospital. He then shared his experience; apparently the Lord had prepared his heart to receive His salvation during hospitalization. Victor and I had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with him last night and he accepted Christ in the presence of his daughter and grand-daughter! Praise the Lord!!

This is also God’s very special gift to me. Since my discovery of cancer, I realized my unfinished task on earth is to faithfully and diligently share the Gospel. [Particularly I was just starting a bible study group with mainland students and I prayed that someday I could return to the task and win the battle for God. 收復失地!]However I did not feel like I am gifted in evangelism. in this incident, the Lord shows me He works in mysterious ways. He is the one who prepares the souls for His salvation and we are sent only as messengers.

Please remmber this precious soul in your prayer. May the Lord further reveal Himself to him! We will be going to worship together tomorrow and may we all witness the work of the Holy Spirit.


  1. 除了為世伯感恩外,正如神為你關掉一扇門,好像無出路,但其實祂已為你預備了另一條路要走。好好走祂為你預備的路。會繼續為你進入化療的路程禱告。願祂賜的平安常與你同在。

  2. Doris, I called you but failed. I was sick yesterday and sorry for not able to chat with you ,I am free on Monday night, Perhaps you can ring me on Monday . Thus to Thur I will be engaged. Let's find each other la.

  3. Hi Doris,

    Glad to see that you are recovery well and moving on to chemo this month. You are a brave soul and willing to let God take the lead in this! I am very happy for you and Victor.

    Actually, I have breast cancer about some 2 years ago. Luckily it could be taken care of by surgery and I took a year off after that to really have a break from work. Of course no one from the university knew about this.

    Just 2 months before I found out about your cancer news, my father was diagnosed with lung cancer stage 4. It was such an experience on so many levels but more complicated because I have an "interesting" family...

    But I want to write you this message to let you know that believing that there is a reason for all this also helped me, helped my father, who is 85! He is on his chemo course now after some surgeries and cyberknife operation. Often times, the ups and downs were beyond words, I am just glad that I have the chance to share both his laughers and pains. Doris, I will keep you and your family close to my prayers, keep going and fear not.

