Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11

These days I seek to focus my attention on waiting on the Lord.  I ask earnestly that you pray with me. My cancer index continues to go up. The doctor has suggested trying another chemotherapy drug. I asked to delay one cycle to seek some relief from the gastrointestinal pain, which may be a side effect of chemotherapy. I am working on managing the pain. Please remember me. I also desire to devote this time to wait on the Lord. I earnestly seek His healing and to have more time serving Him on earth. If His will is otherwise, I pray that He would reveal His will and help me embrace it. Our book “同作門徒” has come out! ( My prayer is that the Lord will use this Bible study series to encourage brothers and sisters to follow Him. It has been a great spiritual blessing working on this with Victor (and our fellowship) for the past two years. There are many things I still I want to do on earth, but to follow Him is all that is needed. 這段時間我專心等候主自己,盼望你們也和我一同禱告。 我的癌指仍然高昇,医生建議我轉化療藥,我要求停一期來舒緩藥物副作用引致的腸胃不適。請為這些不適和痛楚祷告。 此外我也祈求在這段時間專心等候主和仰望衪。我渴望主的医治使我能在世繼續事奉衪。求主顯明祂的旨意,讓我能平安接受。 我們的書「同作門徒」出版了!l 盼望主用這本書, 讓這個查經系列幫助弟兄作祂的門徒。過去兩年我和Victor (和我們的團契)從這查經十分蒙福。對我來說, 我還有很多事想做,但唯一重要的便是跟隨主作祂的門徒!


  1. Dear Doris,
    I can't wait until I meet the Lord. The pain/discomfort that I have from ALS is only temporary but the joy in His kingdom is eternal. That's one reason I have stopped taking my medication. It was causing too much stress for my liver, and I want to be with Him.
    The bright side of my motor neuron disease is that I might have a less aggressive form of ALS call PLS. I believe it is God's will on how long I stay in the earthly realm. In the meantime, I have the privilege of getting to know Henry & Vivien. I am happy for your blog too. Take care. Neither of us can travel long distance but I feel we can relate to each other without having to meet face to face.

  2. "It is human weakness God delights in using. Weakness should deepen our dependence upon Christ for strength. Lean on Jesus. Lean hard! When you do, you'll find yourself growing stronger than you ever dreamed possible". Joni Eareckson Tada, NIV Encouragement Bible, p. 192

    Dr. Mok, Dr. Alice Watkins gave me a copy of this Bible when I was at APU and it has become my prized possession and a life saver when struggling with depression a few years ago. The Word is Living and sharper than any two-edge sword; but the margin notes also minister to a greater need. I wish to share more with you.

    On a side note, I spoke at a Wiley Publishing conference last year and as I was awaiting my place to return to Los Angeles, I noticed this woman in a wheel chair across from me and someone holding a cell phone to her ear. As I moved closer to her, I heard her praying with someone on the phone. I immediately knew it was Joni Eareckson Tada (one of the main contributors to this wonderful Bible I treasure). I never take it with me because I'm afraid to leave it somewhere. But this time, I actually had it with me and I threw my luggage down, tore threw it and found the Bible, and then just showed it to her. It was an unimaginable meeting with a person who has suffered much (she is a quadriplegic), and yet has given so much to others who hurt. I will email you a picture from our meeting.

    Take gentle care and stay strong, humble, and at peace.


  4. Dear Doris,
    You are always in our family prayer.
    Amy and Henry Kwong.
