Friday, August 27, 2010

August 27 Need Prayer

Wednesday’s travel was okay. My sister and I managed to pack things in the office. Then I found out that the office move on Thursday morning was cancelled. How frustrating. I got angrier when I found that it was now re-scheduled to Sept 1.

Yesterday I started not feeling well. Perhaps I was too stressed out on Wed. Perhaps it was adjusting to the air, water and everything all at once. Today I have a mild fever. It was bordering on serious. The dilemma was whether to go back to Hong Kong to see the doctor and risk getting worst or to stay here and risk having an infection that may be serious. I decided to stay for now. The temperature and the body ailments drove me into a foul mood and I had chewed a few people’s head off (my sisters and my husband).

So I really need your prayer. It is difficult for me to pray in this physical condition. Please remember my temperature particularly and endurance of all the side effects in this cycle. I was look forward to having more opportunities to share my faith with others in Macau. However in my physical weakness and angry mood, I am discouraged and lose confidence that I can do anything at all. Your prayers will make a difference!


  1. Don't worry, Doris, I'll pray for you.

  2. Dear Doris

    yes I will pray for you. There are a lot of prayers behind you.

  3. Yes, Doris, you and Victor are always on our mind and prayers.
