Friday, August 20, 2010

August 20 Moving on to the Next Stage

I had my last chemotherapy shot on Tuesday. It was a challenge to poke into the veins! I am so glad that it was the last shot. Praise God who carried me to this point.

There was a rather skinny patient whose wife was trying to talk him into taking nutrient supplement drinks. I tried to encourage him to do so since I have gained weight all this time. The wife was certainly glad that someone can help with the persuasion. We shared our “bitter taste” experience and he was surprisingly engaging in the conversation. So I hope I can use my experience to help others too.

On Wednesday I went to get measures done to prepare for radio-therapy, which is likely to start in early September. I was somewhat apprehensive because someone had written about their negative experience – having insensitive technicians making marks on their half naked body in the cold. Thankfully, the medical team was very efficient and everything was done quickly. I was expecting to spend the whole day there but managed to leave at 12 noon. I was so happy and relieved and went dim sum for lunch with my sister.

After this last chemotherapy cycle I would begin my 5 years of hormonal therapy. For someone who does not like to take medication, it is difficult to think of a 5 year regimen. I would be taking Tamoxifen, a type of selective estrogen receptor modulators. The side effects are not very exciting – bone pain, potential blood clots and stroke, uterine cancer, menopause-like symptoms. I also dread depression and lethargy…Well perhaps it is not so bad. So will wait and see. Need to trust the Lord.

For now, please pray for protection from fever and infection. Today is Day 4 and white blood count is supposed to be close to zero. Pray for preparation for new school year. Usually folks are firing emails back and forth to get ready. May the Lord help me to stay calm and complete essential tasks efficiently!


  1. I'll pray for your new school year, and I believe many students will do the same. They miss you. :)

  2. Ps 121
    May the Lord protect you.
