Sunday, August 29, 2010

August 29 Not Much Change

Still need your prayer desperately.

Today was kind of demoralizing. The fever is making me very irritable and hyper-sensitive. These days are actually the worst throughout the whole treatment process. I think I had the hardest time during the 3rd and 6th cycle, perhaps due to the cumulative effects of the specific drug. Perhaps it is my eagerness to transition back to "normal" life. Perhaps many things. For now, I need to hold onto the Lord in a simple fashion and to trust in His healing power.

I still have the mild fever and I was close to going back to the hospital. However I really do not want to be hosptalized. I feel better in the evening with the temperature seemly going down a bit. So I will see what happens next morning.

Please pray for Victor too. He hasn't seen me in such bad condition and it is difficult to care for a sick and irritable wife.


  1. V pray for u. Wish u can sleep n drink better. Let God guide the healing

  2. "Be still and know that I am your Lord"
    It is hard to rest in such situation but we never stop praying for you that He will grant you peace. There is a reason for everything. May be the Lord is showing you something that you need to be aware of and you are so busy trying to go back to "normal" life.

  3. 'I can't read, I can't think, I can't even pray, but I can trust' by Hudson Taylor

    In this difficult moment, we need to trust him more that He is carrying you.

    Will keep praying for you and Victor.

    We trust because He can and care.
