Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August 24 Travel Back to Macau

On Monday I found out our office move had been scheduled on Thurs. morning. So I have to go back to Macau by Wed. to get ready. Needless to say I felt stressed because my immune system is still vulnerable at this point of the chemotherapy cycle.

The side effects seem unbearable this cycle – I felt so frustrated with the tiredness and fever-like symptoms. It also became hard to push myself to eat meat for the protein. This is probably due to my eagerness to move on and be back to “normal” life. So I am trying to be patient and not push myself too hard. At the same time reality sinks in with all the new expectations. Yesterday night I was about to moan about going back to teaching without eyebrows and eyelashes. Just when I was complaining, the news on TV regarding the Philippines hostages turned to a crisis moment. The Lord always has His special way to put me into proper perspective of things so that I do not engage (too much) in self-pity.

Fortunately my sister would go with me for the first few days. Then Victor will come on the weekend. Please pray that we can get things organized quickly – get the office move ready, get the home cleaned and figure out how I can manage to eat nutritious food. I am just going to trust God one thing at a time.

Today I had some time to just pray – surrendering to the Lord my body, mind and soul, trusting that He would lead me to walk in the center of His will, to please Him in all my being and doing. I pray that it is not an abstract ideal, but can be practiced in the nitty gritty of daily life.

Thank you for all your prayers and support!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Doris. If there is anything I can help, just let me know.
