Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7th The Fourth Chemo Shot

Dear friends,

I am now over the half-way point!

Today I had my fourth shot. Yes, the nurse had to poke two times because my veins are getting too hard to take in the drug. However it wasn’t that miserable. The intravenous infusion went smoothly without any allergic reaction. Praise God! (May the Lord soften my veins for the next two shots. Yet one shot at a time!)

I am up since 3 a.m., most likely due to the steroids. So instead of tossing and turning I decide to write a blog entry. Thankfully I am awake but not agitated.

In fact I was in a cheerful mood for almost all day! My tummy hurt in the evening and so I went to to search information on the drug to clarify the side effects. Then I discovered the dosage of the drug was supposed to be 60 mg, 75 mg or 100 mg/m2. I recalled that I had 150 mg in the morning and since I do not know how to calculate the body size adjustment, I freaked out. Fortunately my brother (the doctor) was quick to reply my email, explaining the mg/m2. Victor and I had a good laugh about my brief hysteria over having an overdose and being poisoned by the toxin.

So much for my “total trust” in God – pretty shaky, huh?! But the Lord is grabbing my feeble and wobbly hand firmly in this journey.

Thank you for all your kind words and prayers.


  1. 祝漸入佳境。已行了一半,繼續努力,加油!

  2. go ahead for the remaining course successfully!

  3. Our bodies are wearing away. Ourt hearts are like wind-up clocks with a finite number of clicks that are clicking away. Our physicalappeareance and attractiveness are waring away., and we cant stop it. Our relationships are wearing away. Get a group of friends around you and time and circumstance will eventually pull you apart. Our families are wearing away, dying off one at a time Our skills are wearing away. You cant stay on top of your game forever. Everything is like a wave on the sand. You cant pin it down; it starts to recede from you.

    "So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary afflictions preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison." ~ 2 Corinthians 4:16-17

  4. This is my friend Joanna's interpretation of mine:

    In fact, I don't understand your words. Ha! Ha!
    But I know:
    Our bodies are wearing beautiful clothes.
    Our hearts like lovely flower, with honey feed for butterflies and bees that they can full.
    Our physical appearance attractiveness are wearing in my memories.
    Our relationships are wearing in new pages
    Get a group friends around us and time and circumstance will pull us growth.
    Our families are wearing support in our life even dying off one at a time.
    Our skin are wearing monturizing lotion and collagen.
    I can play the game again.
    Everything is like a wave on the sand, come again and again forever. We enjoy the moments we meet.

    Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.
    Psalm 119:116

  5. heard about your current situation and now i see your blog, really thankful to God. We all miss you and pray for your health~ ^^

    Support you and God's with you

    your friend, ricky

  6. Hey, Doris! May the Lord keep watch over you every day and give you strength to fight against this attack on your body! I spoke at the Chinese Life Lutheran Church Summer Retreat last weekend -- held at the very functional Music school building of California Baptist University campus in Riverside. Interesting congregation indeed. I am blessed to be able to share much with brothers and sisters from this church. I appreciated much the workshop on "Life and Fulfillment of Dreams" by Jenny Yau. Then I found out that she is from APU and is teaching in the faculty of education, specialising in supervising doctoral students in the area of educational psychology and child psychology.

    Tomorrow, Michelle and I will be flying to Plano, Texas for the CCA Conference. Need to start packing soon. This will be a busy time meeting up with other pastors-coworkers from all over the US.

  7. I get an google account , at last.
    Praying for you!
