Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11 Need Your Prayer

Today is a particularly hard day. I notice that Sundays are hard because I am usually involved in church. Now I have to wait the long day for Victor to come home.

Tomorrow I am trying to go to the hospital to make an appointment for chemotherapy. Then I am heading back to Macau to settle various matters. It seems like it would be a long hard day and I am not sure I can handle it. The reality of the illness suddenly hit me very hard. Although I tried to fight off negative thoughts, I felt overwhelmed.

I need your prayer!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Doris, I will pray for you. May God give you extra strength ( 心力和體力)so you could manage your matters.
    Philippians 4:6-7

  3. 心情的起趺是人之常情,也很正常,可以痛快的哭一場,也是發洩的一種減壓方法,之後便發揮正能量及好的E.Q,面對事情,一步一步慢慢走,不用急,因急也不能解決問題,只會更差,這是我的方法,與你分享。



  4. 十分認同 To 的分享。以靜制動。處理好裡邊, 才有力量去應付外面。

  5. Doris, handle things one by one, do one at one time, dont be rush.

  6. Waiting is the hard part in life, just like Joseph waited in the prision before he was restored. I think that 2 years after the Cupbearer was restored is the hardest time becasue I would think "why didn't the cupbearer helps, afterall I have helped him, how come he forgets me?" However, God has his perfect time. Trust and Obey there is no other way. He is carrying you in His arms.
    Friday (4/9) during our BS, one sister shared that sometimes our faith is soooo small like Jacob thinking that he would never see Simen, or may lose Benjamin(Gen.42:38), finally let go and trust the Lord (43:14)
    In our spiritual walk with God , we have ups and downs but Our Lord is always there especially when we are down.

  7. Hi Doris, I will pray for you. If there is anything I can help, please do not hesitate to let me know.

  8. Dear Doris, you are always in my prayers and I trust the Lord will carry you through this tough times as well. He does not let go if we hold on tight. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help apart from praying.
    God bless.

  9. I would like to share with u the following story at these difficult times. Of course, it is easier said than done. We would continue to pray for you and your family. May we understand the lessons that God give us and grow in His love!




    正所謂:「執著煩惱多,放下多自在!」就讓我們學習放手,放棄執著,隨遇而安,釋放自我。在聖經詩篇四十六10:「要休息,知道我(上帝)是 神」。「放手,讓上帝來!」(Let go, let God)。當我們已盡了努力,結果就交給上帝,將一切的憂慮交給主吧!


  10. Dear Doris,
    I was happened to invite Victor to my church for sermon this coming Sun( 18/4). And he gave me this site.
    Unexpectedly, knowing your current situation, I remembered my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. It was a shocking news both to my mother and I. She was then 78... She had gone through quiet something. She is healed now. Still I might not totally understand what is liked going on in your situation but my wife and I will pray for you. May His mercy shine on you. Take care ;-)

    In Him
    Michael Yu

  11. how's doctor's planning on your chemothearpy treatment. Update me the news.

  12. Shui Yi, I pray for you everyday. Rely on God is easy to say but hard to act out. That's what I am learning in recent days. Take care.

